Thursday, December 16, 2010

How To Compering An School Day

Spanish culture in Tetouan.

The English culture in Tetouan
This Friday 17th December at 19'00h., The auditorium of the Instituto Cervantes de Tetouan, will be a conference-debate:
English culture in Tetuan (1960-1980), by Enrique Gozalbes Cravioto.

Enrique Gozalbes Cravioto a PhD in Ancient History and professor of University of Castilla-La Mancha. Your link to Tetouan is narrow, born and raised here, the son of Gozalbes Busto, director for fifteen years of the then English Library of Tetouan, 1970-1984, and Notebooks English Library of Tetouan, 1972-1981. To learn more about the history of the library of the Instituto Cervantes de Tetuan click here .

In this conference, the speakers talked about the English Cultural Action outside between 60 and 80, paying particular attention to the cultural life of the city Tetouan. Everyone is invited to participate in the symposium later to share the experiences and memories of that time.

In the library we have several publications of father and son, and the entire collection of Notebooks Library of Tetouan, in digital format and on paper. All documents can be found in sections Al-Andalus and North Africa Morocco.


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