Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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literary contests
After the holidays we propose to start the year with energy and creativity. We selected four literary contests of different forms: poetry, short story (2) and novel. Organizing institutions of the four competitions are two Association of Women junction "Victoria Kent" ; and AEN: Association new writers.
You can click on the following links to access on the basis of calls for the various literary competitions, good luck and for all.

- XIII Prize for Poetry and Short Story Award XVII "Victoria Kent." Click here to access the page and download the bases.
Luis Adaro V Award for short story .
I National Competition for new writers of fiction in the form of novel .

not hesitate to participate, you are still on time. Remember that the library can find support material for writing under the heading Theory of literature, authors such as Daniel Cassany , Alfonso Reyes, Enrique Páez, José Antonio Hernández Guerrero, Maria Teresa Serafini ... and many more.


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