Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Harley Davidson Snowmobile For Sale

Encounters of the poetry: Aurora Luque

Meetings in poetry
This evening of Tuesday, February 22, we are pleased to be at the Instituto Cervantes de Tetuan to the poet and translator Aurora Luque. More information about the event .

in the library can find some of his books of poetry. On the website you can also find much of his poetry , videos and newspaper articles on her life and literary production. We encourage you to discover to which you have not done so.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Heather Hunter I Deep Throat

Maulud Aid Said

Maulud Said occasion of the Feast of the birth of the Prophet ( Mulud an-Nabi), the library will close tomorrow, Wednesday 16 February. Meet again on Thursday at the regular time.
Happy Fiesta!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Are Rpp Contributions On A T4?

Awards Ministry of Education 2010-2011 Student

Awards from the Ministry of Education 2010-2011
The Ministry of Education of the Embassy of Spain in Morocco , in the context of English-Moroccan cooperation in education, calls for the promotion and dissemination of the English language and to the practice of teaching English com Foreign Language, three Prizes for the academic year 2010-2011.

Awards are varied and you're still in time to send the work, delivery dates depend on each award but they are all throughout the month of May. All the information you can see by clicking on the bases of each contest.
encourage one to write and compete for some of the different modalities, in the library you can find other Awards years through catalog.

1 .- XX Award "García Lorca" knowledge of Spain, its language and culture to students of English of Moroccan education centers secondary. View Prize bases.
have all the information in directories and guides along with reference works, and Section humanities: philosophy, religion, social sciences, history ... García Lorca

2 .- VI Award "Maria Zambrano" innovation in the essence of English as a foreign language for English teachers in public schools of Secondary College and the Kingdom of qualifying Morocco. View bases. If you urge to participate recommend you consult the section on Teaching ELE Library and publications ELE periodicals: Carabela , Form ...

XI 3 .- Rafael Alberti Award for Poetry Moroccan university graduates. View bases.
local library Morocco in North Africa / Literature (MNA 860-1) can see the poetry of Moroccan writers in English.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Designs Of Cages For Commercial Rabbit Rearing

Regional Forum Club

Throughout the day and throughout the weekend will be held in Tetouan the 2011 Student Forum first edition of the Forum in this city that will be hosted on the Institute English Our Lady of Pilar, see address.

This Forum is aimed at students, parents, guardians, teachers and anyone interested in pre-and post-university training in Morocco and beyond its borders. Will gather at this meeting universities, language schools, public and private schools and offices for the training of Moroccan State.

Knowing the importance of language and especially English, Instituto Cervantes will be present to raise awareness of the variety of courses, information and importance of the Diplomas in English as the activities cultural services and collections offered by the library and its offerings for students. The library service has a free documentation on issues related to language, culture and education in Spain .

Following this meeting we want to remind the Forum and in this blog electronic resource library Study in Spain , interesting database that lets you do all sorts of thematic research, universities, graduate , scholarships ... to find the training you're interested, you only need your library card number and password. Also in the library you can find magazines, guides, directories and all the necessary information on the inclusion in the workplace, university and universities in Spain.

We invite you to walk over the weekend and try to solve this Forum so your guidance. The hours are from Friday to Sunday 9'30h. to 19'00h. continuously.