Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Are Rpp Contributions On A T4?

Awards Ministry of Education 2010-2011 Student

Awards from the Ministry of Education 2010-2011
The Ministry of Education of the Embassy of Spain in Morocco , in the context of English-Moroccan cooperation in education, calls for the promotion and dissemination of the English language and to the practice of teaching English com Foreign Language, three Prizes for the academic year 2010-2011.

Awards are varied and you're still in time to send the work, delivery dates depend on each award but they are all throughout the month of May. All the information you can see by clicking on the bases of each contest.
encourage one to write and compete for some of the different modalities, in the library you can find other Awards years through catalog.

1 .- XX Award "García Lorca" knowledge of Spain, its language and culture to students of English of Moroccan education centers secondary. View Prize bases.
have all the information in directories and guides along with reference works, and Section humanities: philosophy, religion, social sciences, history ... García Lorca

2 .- VI Award "Maria Zambrano" innovation in the essence of English as a foreign language for English teachers in public schools of Secondary College and the Kingdom of qualifying Morocco. View bases. If you urge to participate recommend you consult the section on Teaching ELE Library and publications ELE periodicals: Carabela , Form ...

XI 3 .- Rafael Alberti Award for Poetry Moroccan university graduates. View bases.
local library Morocco in North Africa / Literature (MNA 860-1) can see the poetry of Moroccan writers in English.


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