Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Anyone Ever Hear Of A.. Subtalar Mba Implant?

Monograph on Reading Club: Backpacks and leaflets

book club for students of English beginner and intermediate levels: A2 and B1. Anyone interested can also participate in these literary gatherings, the club is open students from the school or library user. The selected work is an unpublished text entitled Backpacks and leaflets, of anonymous authorship.

The event will take place on Wednesday 9 March at 17'00h., In the auditorium of the Instituto Cervantes de Tetuan , and we will have the presence as moderator of María Pérez Sedeño, Technical Adviser Tetuan, the English Ministry of Education in Morocco .

At the request of the readers of the previous meeting, we continue with history, but in this case, contemporary history: the transition from dictatorship to democracy in Spain, one of the processes of political, social and cultural exciting twentieth century Europe. Topics want to discuss from this reading are: the company during the transition, the media, youth, family ...
Lostextos are available in the library, and also suggest you some material to deepen and share issue during the debate:
  • Bibliography on the English transition
  • documentary DVDs on this time.


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