Monday, March 14, 2011

Build A Fort Mount & Blade Mod

Monograph on Vicente Aleixandre
The Cervantes Virtual Centre on the web today published a monograph on the writer who gives name to our library, Vicente Aleixandre: A great poet of the Generation of 27 .

I also recommend viewing the following program UNED documentary on the poet and the cultural legacy it has left us, Vicente Aleixandre: from Velintonia to heaven. In the film involves two extremely knowledgeable about the life and work of poet Vicente Granados (Professor of Literature at the UNED) and Alejandro Sanz (President of the Association of Friends of Vicente Aleixandre). Both are also involved in the monograph of the CVC with interesting articles on Aleixandre.
Vicente Aleixandre
In the library you have at your disposal all the work and of this Nobel Prize for Literature, detailed in the bibliography that appears in the CVC as well as a collection of letters handwritten displayed in the cabinet dedicated to the poet, at the entrance of the library.


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