Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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A week of film Inauguration of the new Residence Taha Houssein Aula Cervantes and Vicente Aleixandre

Taha Houssei
Over the weekend of 25 to 27 March in commemoration of National Day disabled in Morocco, will be a series of activities at the Institute Taha Houssein, including which emphasizes the opening of the new residence for students at the school and classroom Cervantes teaching English. We will meet the project sponsor, ATMAN Foundation for Dialogue among Civilizations, and other individuals and addresses of both institutions directly involved. Also as guests special will be with us the Director of International Relations ONCE (National Organization of Blind English), D. Rafael González Millán and President of the African Union of the Blind (AFUB), D. Ez-Mohammed Zaoui.

Institute Taha Houssein, dependent Alaouite Organization for the Protection of the Blind of Morocco (OAPAM) , is the only educational institution for the blind and partially sighted in the area Tangier-Tetouan . The Cervantes Institute has been teaching classes ELE in this center since 1997 thanks to grants awarded by the Junta de Andalucía. Click
here to learn more about this institution and its relationship with the Instituto Cervantes of Tetuan in an article last year in the newspaper El Faro de Ceuta .

The new classroom space also called multisensory aims to provide education aimed at the integration of the blind, visually impaired and blind. It is an education project based on experimentation through the senses, using material resources touch, smell, taste, sound, and visual, for language learning and English culture through the senses and sensory experiences.

I attached the program of these events taking place over the weekend who decides to support and become partners in this event: awards, goal-ball , conferences, exhibitions and especially great joy.
Click on images to enlarge and see the detailed program.


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